Lucky 7 Is The Magic Number In Marketing

We take a look at repetition of marketing messages - how will you reach your audience and covert leads with effective repeated communication?

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It has been well written that people generally need to hear things 7 times before retaining new information, so when it comes to your marketing message, it will on average need to be heard 7 times for the person to really take in, internalise and remember.

A message that is consistently exposed over several times stands a greater chance of being retained by someone than one big announcement – but how do you deliver this without damaging your brand?

Creating the 'Lightbulb' Moment

Of course you don’t want to annoy your target audience by saying the same thing over and over again, so how you share your message in an interesting and creative way is fundamental to the success of the message. As an example it could take 1 blog post, 2 tweets, 3 email campaigns and 1 LinkedIn post until a message resonates with a person generating that light bulb moment when they decide they need your service or product, then take action.

Cutting Through the Noise

In a world where people are being bombarded with the same messages constantly, it can be quite a challenge to cut through the noise. What makes you stand out from the competition is the way in which you share your message, the language you use, your tone of voice and how your put your own unique spin on it.

Offer Solutions, not just a Sales Pitch!

Don’t just repeat the same message or email campaign – you run the danger of annoying your potential customers and potentially damaging your brand. Be creative – how do you get the same point across in a different, more helpful way?

We’ve found that the most effective communications include helpful information – don’t just try and sell – highlight benefits of your service, discuss the solutions… be helpful! You are much more likely to catch a clients interest by knowing the issues that they face and how your product or service solve these issues.

Even if other marketers are sharing the same message 6 times before you, if your target audience is educated by you on the 7th time they hear it, they will be more likely to remember you than the 6 previous times they heard it.

Let’s Talk About Your Lucky Number 7

Here at Wider, our team of creative and digital specialists are experts at creating highly focused marketing messages, combined with powerful, effective creative design that will deliver results.

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